S. Reid, R. Gaston, C. Honigman, and A. Kapur. In Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Brisbane, Jul. 2016
Publication Years: 2016
Improving the Accuracy of Musical Robots with Programmable Logic Circuits
J Long, JW Murphy, D Carnegie, A Kapur
Parametrically-Dense Motion Sensing Devices and Robotic Musical Instruments
J He, J Murphy, A Kapur, DA Carnegie
The Closed-Loop Robotic Glockenspiel: Improving Musical Robots Using Embedded Musical Information Retrieval
Jason Long, Ajay Kapur, Dale A Carnegie
Sound-based Brutalism: An emergent aesthetic
Mo H Zareei, Dugal Mckinnon, Dale A Carnegie, Ajay Kapur
A New Framework for Interactive Control of Mechatronic Instruments
Blake Johnston, Bridget Johnson, Ajay Kapur
Using Expressive Musical Robots: Working with An Ensemble of New Mechatronic Instruments
Jim Murphy, Dale A Carnegie, Ajay Kapur
An Analogue Interface for Musical Robots
Jason Long, Ajay Kapur, Dale A Carnegie
speaker. motion: A mechatronic loudspeaker system for live spatialisation
BD Johnson, A Kapur, M Norris