2019 | 2018
Programming for Musicians and Digital Artists: Creating music with ChucK

Ajay Kapur , Perry R. Cook , Spencer Salazar, Ge Wang


Digitizing North Indian Music: Preservation and Extension using Multimodal SensorSystems, Machine Learning and Robotics

Ajay Kapur


Overview of NIME Techniques Applied to Traditional
Korean Instruments

Michaella J Moon, Jim Murphy, Ajay Kapur, and Dale Carnegie

Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. Utrecht, Netherlands


The Scale Navigator: A System for Networked Algorithmic Harmony

Turczan, N., Kapur, A., Ho, N., Honigman, C., & D. Shepherd,

In Proceedings of the New Interfaces for Musical Expression Conference. Porto Alegre, Brazil, June 2019


Where Is The Quiet: Immersive Experience Design Using the Brain, Mechatronics, and Machine Learning

M. J. Macionis and A. Kapur


Women Who Build Things: Gestural Controllers, Augmented Instruments, and Musical Mechatronics

S. Reid, A. Kapur, and S. Sithi-Amnuai


Deceptive Sounds: Auditory Illusions & Artefacts in Sound Art

Blake Johnston, Michael Norris, Ajay Kapur, Jim Murphy


Redesigning Music Education Through Laptop Ensembles

Juan Pablo Yépez, Jordan Hochenbaum, Spencer Salazar, Ajay Kapur

International Computer Music Conference (ICMC) 2018.


Sansa: A Modified Sansula for Extended Compositional Techniques Using Machine Learning

M. J. Macionis and A. Kapur

in Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA, 2018, p. 78–81.


MetaFlute: A Wearable Interface for Gesture Detection

Diana Siwiak, Dale A Carnegie, Jim Murphy, Ajay Kapur

S. Reid, A. Kapur, and S. Sithi-Amnuai


A Closed-Loop Control System for Robotic Hi-hats

Jason Long, Jim W Murphy, Dale A Carnegie, Ajay Kapur

Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Copenhagen, Denmark. May 2017.


The Machine Lab: A Modern Classroom to Teach Mechatronic Music

Nathan Villicaña-Shaw, Spencer Salazar, Ajay Kapur

International Computer Music Conference (ICMC). Shanghai, China, October 2017.


Assessment techniques for new mechatronic instruments as applied to speaker. motion

BD Johnson, Ajay Kapur

International Computer Music Conference (ICMC). Shanghai, China, October 2017.


Loudspeakers Optional: A history of non-loudspeaker-based electroacoustic music

Jason Long, Jim Murphy, Dale Carnegie, Ajay Kapur

Organized Sound 22 (2), 2017.


Minimally Invasive Gesture Sensing Interface (MIGSI) for Trumpet

S. Reid, R. Gaston, C. Honigman, and A. Kapur.

In Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Brisbane, Jul. 2016


An Analogue Interface for Musical Robots

Jason Long, Ajay Kapur, Dale A Carnegie

In Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME). Australia. June 2016.


Using Expressive Musical Robots: Working with An Ensemble of New Mechatronic Instruments

Jim Murphy, Dale A Carnegie, Ajay Kapur

In Proceedings of the International Symposium of Electronic Art (ISEA). Hong Kong. 2016.


Sound-based Brutalism: An emergent aesthetic

Mo H Zareei, Dugal Mckinnon, Dale A Carnegie, Ajay Kapur

Organised Sound 21 (1), 2016.


speaker. motion: A mechatronic loudspeaker system for live spatialisation

BD Johnson, A Kapur, M Norris

In Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME). Australia. June 2016.


A New Framework for Interactive Control of Mechatronic Instruments

Blake Johnston, Bridget Johnson, Ajay Kapur

In Proceedings of the Electronics New Zealand Conference (ENZCon). November 2016


Carme: A Multi-Touch Controller for Real Time Spatialisation of Gestural Behaviour

Blake Johnston, Michael Norris, Bridget Johnson, Ajay Kapur

Proceedings for the Australasian Computer Music Conference, Sydney, Australia, 2015.


Physical Glitch Music: A Brutalist Noise Ensemble

Mo H Zareei, Dale A Carnegie, Ajay Kapur

Leonardo Music Journal 25, 2015.


A methodology for evaluating robotic striking mechanisms for musical contexts.

Timothy J Barraclough, Dale A Carnegie, Ajay Kapur

Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, June 2015


Developing a physical gesture acquisition system for guqin performance.

Jingyin He, Ajay Kapur, Dale A Carnegie

Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, June 2015.


Noise square: Physical sonification of cellular automata through mechatronic sound-sculpture

Mo H Zareei, Dale A Carnegie, Ajay Kapur

In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA), Vancouver, Canada, 201


Musical instrument design process for mobile technology.

Timothy J Barraclough, Dale A Carnegie, Ajay Kapur

Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, June 2015


The Future of Online Arts and Creative Education

A. Kapur, P. Cook, J. Hochenbaum, O. Vallis, and S. Reid,

Exploring Science in the Studio, AICAD Symposium, Nov 2015.


Rasping Music: Remodeling Early Minimalist Music through Mechatronic Sound-Sculpture.

Mo H Zareei, Ajay Kapur, Dale A Carnegie


Perspectives on Time: performance practice, mapping strategies, & composition with MIGSI

Sarah Reid, Ryan Gaston, Ajay Kapur


A comparative evaluation of percussion mechanisms for musical robotics applications

Jason Long, Jim W Murphy, Ajay Kapur, Dale Anthony Carnegie

Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Applications (ICARA), Queenstown, New Zealand, February 2015.


Expressive robotic guitars: Developments in musical robotics for chordophones

Jim Murphy, James McVay, Paul Mathews, Dale A Carnegie, Ajay Kapur

In Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. Daejon, South Korea. May 2013


Programming for musicians and digital artists: Creating music with ChucK

Ajay Kapur, Perry R Cook, Spencer Salazar, Ge Wang

Manning Publication Company, 2014 . ISBN: 9781617291708.


Rasper: a Mechatronic Noise-Intoner

Mo Zareei, Ajay Kapur, Dale A Carnegie

In Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. London, UK. June 2014.


Contemporary Practices of Extending Traditional Asian Instruments Using Technology

Jingyin He, Ajay Kapur, Dale A Carnegie

Special Issue) Organized Sound, 19(2), 2014.


Interactive Sound Synthesis Mediated Through Computer Networks

J He, K Christopher, A Kapur, DA Carnegie

eContact!, 16(2), 2014.


Toward Ambient Intelligent Systems for Improving Levels of Creativity in Arts Learning Environments.

Kameron R Christopher, Jordan Hochenbaum, Ajay Kapur

In Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. London, UK. June 2014.



Sean Pierce, Josh Boyes, Jim Murphy, Ajay Kapur


Little drummer bot: Building, testing, and interfacing with a new expressive mechatronic drum system

Jim Murphy, Dale A Carnegie, Ajay Kapur

Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), Athens, Greece, September 2014.


Student retention in a mechatronics programme in first and second years: Motivating engineers to learn through music and creativity

DA Carnegie, A Kapur, G Gouws, C Watterson

Proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Research and Education in Mechatronics (REM), El Gouna, Egypt, 9 – 11 September 2014. ISBN 978-1-4799-3028-9


Mutor: Drone chorus of metrically muted motors

Perry Raymond Cook, Ajay Kapur, Owen S Vallis, Jordan N Hochenbaum

Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), Athens, Greece, September 2014.


Multimedia educational content delivery with identity authentication and related compensation model

J He, K Christopher, A Kapur, DA Carnegie

March 14, 2014. USA Patent Number: US20150262496A1


Tactile. motion: An iPad based performance interface for increased expressivity in diffusion performance

BD Johnson, Michael Norris, Ajay Kapur

Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), Athens, Greece, September 2014


User Identity Authentication Techniques for On-Line Content or Access

Perry R Cook, Ajay Kapur, Owen S Vallis, Jordan Hochenbaum

May 19, 2014. USA Patent Number: US20150379253A1


Mechbass: A systems overview of a new four-stringed robotic bass guitar

James McVay, Dale A Carnegie, Jim W Murphy, Ajay Kapur


Robot: Tune Yourself! Automatic Tuning for Musical Robotics

Jim W Murphy, Paul Mathews, Ajay Kapur, Dale A Carnegie


Diffusing diffusion: A history of the technological advances in spatial performance

Bridget Johnson, Michael Norris, Ajay Kapur

Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), Athens, Greece, September 2014.


Tangle: a Flexible Framework for Performance with Advanced Robotic Musical Instruments

Paul Mathews, Ness Morris, Jim W Murphy, Ajay Kapur, Dale A Carnegie

Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. London, UK. June 2014.


Techniques in Swept Frequency Capacitive Sensing: An Open Source Approach

Colin Honigman, Jordan Hochenbaum, Ajay Kapur

Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. London, UK. June 2014.


The Development Of Physical Spatial Controllers

Bridget Johnson, Michael Norris, Ajay Kapur


A History of Emerging Paradigms in EEG for Music

Kameron R Christopher, Ajay Kapur, Dale A Carnegie, Gina M Grimshaw

eContact!, 16(2), 2014.


Complex: Physical Re-sonification of Urban Noise

Mo H Zareei, Dugal McKinnon, Ajay Kapur, Dale A Carnegie

In Proceedings of the International Conference on Auditory Display, New York, USA, 2014


Creative Coding: A Unique Pedagogical Model for Teaching Computer Science to Artists

Ajay Kapur, Perry Cook, Michael Bryant, Jennifer Hutton

International Conference on New Perspectives in Science Education. Bergamo, Italy. 2014



Diana Siwiak, Ajay Kapur, Dale A Carnegie

Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), Athens, Greece, September 2014.


Polus: The Design and Development of a New, Mechanically Bowed String Instrument Ensemble.

Blake Johnston, Henry Dengate Thrush, Ajay Kapur, Jim W Murphy, Tane Moleta

Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. London, UK. June 2014.


Mechatronic Keyboard Music: Design, Evaluation, and Use of a New Mechatronic Harmonium

Jim Murphy, Ajay Kapur, Dale A Carnegie

Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), Athens, Greece, September 2014.


New Open-Source Interfaces for Group Based Participatory Performance of Live Electronic Music.

Timothy J Barraclough, Jim W Murphy, Ajay Kapur



Ajay Kapur, Perry Raymond Cook, Jordan Hochenbaum, Colin Bennett Honigman, Owen Skipper Vallis, Chad A Wagner, Eric Christopher Heep

July 31, 2013. USA Patent Number: US20150039541A1


Noise on the grid: Rhythmic pulse in experimental and electronic noise music

Mo H Zareei, Ajay Kapur, Dale A Carnegie

In Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference. Perth, Australia, August 2013.


VIE, An Automata Sequencer

Jingyin He, Jordan Hochenbaum, Ajay Kapur


Self Organizing Maps (SOMS) for Organizing, Categorizing, Browsing and/or Grading Large Collections of Assignments for Massive Online Education Systems

Jordan N Hochenbaum, Ajay Kapur, Owen S Vallis, Perry R Cook, Colin Honigman, Chad Wagner

October 25, 2013. USA Patent Number: US20150147728A1


Locative sonification: Playing the world through citygram

Tae Hong Park, Johnathan Turner, Christopher Jacoby, Alex Marse, Michael Musick, Ajay Kapur, Jingyin He

In Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference. Perth, Australia, August 2013.


The third room: A 3d virtual music paradigm

Colin Honigman, Andrew Walton, Ajay Kapur

In Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. Daejon, South Korea. May 2013.


Designing and Building Expressive Robotic Guitars

Jim W Murphy, James McVay, Ajay Kapur, Dale A Carnegie

In Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. Daejon, South Korea. May 2013


Toward The Future Practice Room: Empowering Musical Pedagogy through Hyperinstruments

Jordan Hochenbaum, Ajay Kapur

In Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. Daejon, South Korea. May 2013.


A History of Sequencers: Interfaces for Organizing Pattern-based Music

Raphael Arar, Ajay Kapur

Proceedings of the Stockholm Music Acoustics Conference and Sound and Music Computing Conference, Stockholm, Sweden. August 2013.


Swivel 2: A systems overview and evaluation of a new mechatronic slide guitar

Jim Murphy, Ajay Kapur, Dale A Carnegie


Formalization Using Organic Systemization in Musical Applications

Jingyin He, Ajay Kapur

Proceedings of the International Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics and X. Bergamo, Italy. June 27-28, 2013.


Netpixl: Towards a New Paradigm for Networked Application Development

Dimitri Diakopoulos, Ajay Kapur

In Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. Daejon, South Korea. May 2013.


Interactive Sound Synthesis Mediated through Computer Networks

Kameron R Christopher, Jingyin He, Ajay Kapur, Dale A Carnegie

in Proceedings of Symposium on Sound and Interactivity, 2013.



Ajay Kapur

In Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference. Perth, Australia, August 2013.


Multi-Touch Interfaces for Phantom Source Positioning in Live Sound Diffusion

Bridget Johnson, Ajay Kapur

In Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. Daejon, South Korea. May 2013.


Swivel: Analysis and systems overview of a new robotic guitar

Jim Murphy, Ajay Kapur, Dale A Carnegie

In Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference. Perth, Australia, August 2013.


Implementing 3D visualizations of EEG signals in artistic applications

Kameron R Christopher, Ajay Kapur, Dale A Carnegie, Gina M Grimshaw

Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Image and Vision Computing New Zealand, IEEE Press., 2013.


Musical robotics in a loudspeaker world: Developments in alternative approaches to localization and spatialization

Jim W Murphy, Ajay Kapur, Dale A Carnegie

Leonardo Music Journal, Vol 22, 41-48, November 2012.


Better Drumming Through Calibration: Techniques for Pre-Performance Robotic Percussion Optimization.

Jim W Murphy, Ajay Kapur, Dale A Carnegie

In Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Ann Arbor, Michigan. May 21-23, 2012.


Building on the Foundations of Network Music: Exploring interaction contexts and shared robotic instruments

Owen Vallis, Dimitri Diakopoulos, Jordan Hochenbaum, Ajay Kapur

Organised Sound, 17(1). February 2012.


A Comparative User Study of Two Methods of Control on a Multi-Touch Surface for Musical Expression.

Blake Johnston, Owen Vallis, Ajay Kapur

In Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Ann Arbor, Michigan. May 21-23, 2012.


Interacting with solenoid drummers: A quantitative approach to composing and performing with open-loop solenoidbased robotic percussion systems

Jim Murphy, Ajay Kapur, Dale Carnegie


Nuance: A software tool for capturing synchronous data streams from multimodal musical systems

Jordan Hochenbaum, Ajay Kapur

In Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference. Ljubljana, Slovenia. September 9-15, 2012


tactile. space: A Multitouch Tool For Live Sound Diffusion

Bridget Johnson, Ajay Kapur


Drum Stroke Computing: Multimodal Signal Processing for Drum Stroke Identification and Performance Metrics.

Jordan Hochenbaum, Ajay Kapur

In Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. Ann Arbor, Michigan. May 21-23, 2012.


Don’t Forget the Machines: Orchestra of Humans, Laptops, and Robots

Ajay Kapur, Michael Darling, Raahki Kapur

International Symposium on Laptop Ensembles and Orchestras, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, April 15-17, 2012.


Kritaanjali: A Robotic Harmonium for Performance, Pedogogy and Research.

Ajay Kapur, Jim W Murphy, Dale A Carnegie

In Proceedings of the Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Ann Arbor, Michigan. May 21-23, 2012


Adding Z-Depth and Pressure Expressivity to Tangible Tabletop Surfaces.

Jordan Hochenbaum, Ajay Kapur

Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Oslo, Norway, June 2011.


Multimodal techniques for human/robot interaction

Ajay Kapur


E-suling: Extended Techniques for Indonesian Performance

Jason Erskine, Ajay Kapur


The chronome: A case study in designing new continuously expressive musical instruments

Owen Vallis, Jordan Hochenbaum, Jim Murphy, Ajay Kapur



Training surrogate sensors in musical gesture acquisition systems

Adam Tindale, Ajay Kapur, George Tzanetakis

IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. 13 (1):50-59. Jan 2011.


The KarmetiK NotomotoN: A New Breed of Musical Robot for Teaching and Performance.

Ajay Kapur, Michael Darling, Jim W Murphy, Jordan Hochenbaum, Dimitri Diakopoulos, Trimpin

Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Oslo, Norway, June 2011.


A comparison of pick-based strategies for robotic bass playing

Richard Vindriis, Ajay Kapur, Dale Carnegie

Electronics New Zealand Conference, Palmerston North, New Zealand, November 2011.


The machine orchestra: An ensemble of human laptop performers and robotic musical instruments

Ajay Kapur, Michael Darling, Dimitri Diakopoulos, Jim W Murphy, Jordan Hochenbaum, Owen Vallis, Curtis Bahn

The Computer Music Journal, Vol. 35, issue 4, November 2011.


Community-based design: The democratization of musical interface construction

Owen Vallis, Ajay Kapur


HIDUINO: A firmware for building driverless USB-MIDI devices using the Arduino microcontroller.

Dimitri Diakopoulos, Ajay Kapur

Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Oslo, Norway, June 2011


Building Musical Robots for the Machine Orchestra

Ajay Kapur, Michael Darling

Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pg. 25-30, Taiwan, October 2010.


Multimodal Musician Recognition.

Jordan Hochenbaum, Ajay Kapur, Matthew Wright

Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Sydney, Australia, June 2010.


The Machine Orchestra

Ajay Kapur, Michael Darling, Meason Wiley, Owen Vallis, Jordan Hochenbaum, Jim W Murphy, Dimitri Diakopoulos, Carl Burgin, Tyler Yamin

Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference, New York City, New York, June 2010.


Argos: An Open Source Application For Building Multi-Touch Musical Interfaces.

Dimitri Diakopoulos, Ajay Kapur

Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference, New York City, New York, June 2010.


The Helio: A Study of Membrane Potentiometers and Long Force Sensing Resistors for Musical Interfaces.

Jim W Murphy, Ajay Kapur, Carl Burgin

Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Sydney, Australia, June 2010.


Designing Expressive Musical Interfaces for Tabletop Surfaces.

Jordan Hochenbaum, Owen Vallis, Dimitri Diakopoulos, Jim W Murphy, Ajay Kapur

Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Sydney, Australia, June 2010.


A Shift Towards Iterative and Open-Source Design for Musical Interfaces.

Owen Vallis, Jordan Hochenbaum, Ajay Kapur

Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Sydney, Australia, June 2010.


A Pedagogical Paradigm for Musical Robotics.

Ajay Kapur, Michael Darling

Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Sydney, Australia, June 2010.


Collaborative composition for musical robots

Ajay Kapur, Arne Eigenfeldt, Curtis Bahn, W Andrew Schloss

Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Arts, Porto, Portugal, November 2008.


Multi-Laser Gestural Interface-Solutions for Cost-Effective and Open Source Controllers.

Meason Wiley, Ajay Kapur

Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Pittsburgh, PA USA. June 2009.


21st Century Electronica: MIR Techniques for Classification and Performance.

Dimitri Diakopoulos, Owen Vallis, Jordan Hochenbaum, Jim W Murphy, Ajay Kapur

Proceedings of the International Society on Music Information Retrieval Conference. Kobe, Japan, October 2009.


Extended interface solutions for musical robotics

Owen Vallis, Jordan Hochenbaum, Ajay Kapur

Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia. Berkeley, USA, December 2008.


Multi-Agent Multimodal Performance Analysis.

Arne Eigenfeldt, Ajay Kapur

Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference, Belfast, U.K., August 2008.


An Agent-based System for Robotic Musical Performance.

Arne Eigenfeldt, Ajay Kapur

Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Music Expression, Genoa, Italy, June 2008.


A Comparison of Solenoid-Based Strategies for robotic drumming.

Ajay Kapur, Eric Trimpin, Afzal Singer, George Suleman, George Tzanetakis

Proceedings of the IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers and Signal Processing, Victoria, Canada, August 2007.


A Comparative Study on Wearable Sensors for Signal Processing on the North Indian Tabla

Manjinder S Benning, Ajay Kapur, Bernie Till, George Tzanetakis, Peter Driessen


Integrating hyperinstruments, musical robots & machine musicianship for North Indian classical music

Ajay Kapur, Eric Singer, Manjinder S Benning, George Tzanetakis

Proceedings of the International Conference for New Interfaces for Musical Expression, New York, USA, June 2007.


Multimodal Sensor Analysis of Sitar Performance: Where is the Beat?

Manjinder Singh Benning, Ajay Kapur, Bernie C Till, George Tzanetakis

Proceeding of the IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, Crete, Greece, October 2007.


Pedagogical Transcription for Multimodal Sitar Performance.

Ajay Kapur, Graham Percival, Mathieu Lagrange, George Tzanetakis

Proceedings of the International Conference on Music Information Retrieval, Vienna, Austria, September 2007.


Computational ethnomusicology

George Tzanetakis, Ajay Kapur, W Andrew Schloss, Matthew Wright

Journal of Interdisciplinary Music Studies. 1(2), pp. 1-24, 2007.


Digital Sankirna

Ajay Kapur, Eric Singer

International Conference for New Interfaces for Musical Expression, New York City, NY, USA, with Ajay Kapur (ESitar, MahaDeviBot) & Curtis Bahn (ESitar, EDilruba), June 9, 2007.


Learning indirect acquisition of instrumental gestures using direct sensors

George Tzanetakis, Ajay Kapur, Adam R Tindale

Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing. Victoria, Canada, October 2006.


Towards the One-Man Indian Computer Music Performance System.

Ajay Kapur, George Tzanetakis, W Andrew Schloss, Peter F Driessen, Eric Singer

Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference, New Orleans, USA, November 2006.


A Retrieval Approach for Human/Robotic Musical Performance.

Ajay Kapur, Eric Singer

Proceedings of the International Conference on Music Information Retrieval, Victoria, Canada, October 2006.


The KiOm: A Paradigm for Collaborative Controller Design.

Ajay Kapur, Adam R Tindale, Manjinder Singh Benning, Peter F Driessen

Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference, New Orleans, USA, November 2006


New Music Interfaces for Rhythm-Based Retrieval.

Ajay Kapur, Richard I McWalter, George Tzanetakis

Proceedings of the International Conference on Music Information Retrieval, London, England, September 2005.


Interactive Network Performance: a dream worth dreaming? Organised Sound

Ajay Kapur, Ge Wang, Philip Davidson, Perry R Cook

Organised Sound, 10(3), pp. 209-219, October 2005.


Yeah, ChucK it!⇒ dynamic, controllable interface mapping

Ge Wang, Ananya Misra, Ajay Kapur, Perry R Cook

Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Vancouver, Canada, May 2005.


Studio Report: University of Victoria Music Intelligence and sound Technology Interdisciplinary Centre (MiSTIC).

Peter F Driessen, W Andrew Schloss, George Tzanetakis, Kirk McNally, Ajay Kapur

Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference. Barcelona, Spain, September 2005.


Gesture-based affective computing on motion capture data

Asha Kapur, Ajay Kapur, Naznin Virji-Babul, George Tzanetakis, Peter F Driessen

Proceedings of the International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction. Beijing, China. October 2005.


Wearable sensors for real-time musical signal processing

Ajay Kapur, Eric L Yang, Adam R Tindale, Peter F Driessen

Proceedings of the IEEE Pacific Rim Conference. Victoria, Canada. August, 2005.


A History of robotic Musical Instruments.

Ajay Kapur

Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference. Barcelona, Spain, September 2005.


Subband-based drum transcription for audio signals

George Tzanetakis, Ajay Kapur, Richard I McWalter

Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing. Shanghai, China, November 2005.


A framework for sonification of vicon motion capture data

Ajay Kapur, George Tzanetakis, Naznin Virji-Babul, Ge Wang, Perry R Cook

Proceedings Of the International Conference on Digital Audio Effects, Madrid, Spain, September 2005.


Indirect acquisition of percussion gestures using timbre recognition

Adam R Tindale, Ajay Kapur, W Andrew Schloss, George Tzanetakis

Proceedings of the Conference on Interdisciplinary Musicology, Montreal, Canada, March 2005.


A comparison of sensor strategies for capturing percussive gestures

Adam R Tindale, Ajay Kapur, George Tzanetakis, Peter Driessen, Andrew Schloss

Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. Vancouver, Canada, May 2005.


The electronic sitar controller

Ajay Kapur, Ariel J Lazier, Philip Davidson, R Scott Wilson, Perry R Cook

Proceedings of the International Conference on New Instruments for Musical Expression, Hamamatsu, Japan, June 2004


Retrieval of percussion gestures using timbre classification techniques.

Adam R Tindale, Ajay Kapur, George Tzanetakis, Ichiro Fujinaga

Proceedings of International Conference on Music Information Retrieval, Barcelona, Spain, October 200


Audio-based gesture extraction on the esitar controller

Ajay Kapur, George Tzanetakis, Peter F Driessen

Proceedings of Conference on Digital Audio Effects, Naples, Italy, October 2004.


Preservation and extension of traditional techniques: digitizing north indian performance

Ajay Kapur, Philip Davidson, Perry R Cook, W Andrew Schloss, Peter F Driessen

Journal of New Music Research, 34(3), pp. 227-236, September 2005.


Query-by-beat-boxing: Music retrieval for the DJ

Ajay Kapur, Manj Benning, George Tzanetakis

Proceedings of International Conference on Music Information Retrieval, Barcelona, Spain, October 2004.


The Electronic Tabla

Ajay Kapur

Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Dublin, Ireland, pp. 77-81. May 2002.